How to submit your 1000-word article
(for all registered participants, virtual or in person)
All registered conference participants are invited to submit a 1000-word short article to be included in the conference proceedings, which will be published after the end of the conference.
This will be an e-book, available online as a PDF.
Deadline: 3 April 2023
Word count: 1000 words (your article, including references, should be 900 - 1500 words in length).
The titles of your sections (if any) should be normal bold font (not capital letters), same size as your text.
Referencing system: Harvard APA
At the end of the document, the list of references should be titled 'References' (not Bibliography, Notes, etc.).
Images: If images are necessary, please include one JPG file. This JPG file can show more than one picture if necessary, but needs to fit on an A4 page. (up to 2000 pixels width, up to 3000 pixels height )
How to name the image file: [Submission ID number_Main author's last name_FIGURE]; for example: 62_Brown_FIGURE
How to upload your text (your 1000-word article): Please log in your Oxford Abstracts account (where you submitted your abstract). Copy and paste your article under the relevant question (1000-word article).
++ In this text box, please place your article text; no titles, names, etc., (as these will be taken from the other questions of the form).
How to upload your image: Please log in your Oxford Abstracts account. Upload the image file under the relevant question.
How to structure your article: No need to include an abstract (since the article is very short anyway). You can follow a simple structure, such as: brief introduction, your main chapter(s), brief conclusion.
How to submit your pre-recorded video presentation
(for those registered to participate virtually only)
Deadline: Monday 6 February 2023 >> Monday 13th March 2023
Format: MP4 video file, up to 100 MB maximum, up to 10 minutes long.
How to name your file: [Submission ID number_Main author's last name_Article title or short version of title], for example: 62_Brown_Participatory processes for the refurbishment of the building X
How to upload it: Please log in your Oxford Abstracts account (where you submitted your abstract). Please upload your video file under the relevant question.
Other guidance: Please make sure that when your video starts, it shows a slide with: the full title, all authors' names, and one image representative of your project (if applicable). This screenshot may appear as a thumbnail of your video.